Version 10.248 -
1. Order number and
comments in memo field
2. Export upto 30
lines to international customs forms in endicia dazzle
4. Phone order
screen Item search on SKU fixed
5. Channel Advisor
order download to get only payment cleared orders
6. Option to set
Expense type account for creating non-inventory/service items in QuickBooks
autostart on local T-HUB computer if the server is not started automatically.
8. Item not found
issue when posting to QuickBooks (QuickBooks FS) - incorrect SKU in database
9. Remove spaces
while saving Amazon token string connection details in T-HUB
10.Allow delete of
line item in Order details screen
11. Assign correct
price in line item in order after item search

Version 10.244
- 04/28/2010
1. Amazon store test
connection button error fixed
2. Dazzle Customs
Setup change - added option for itemized customs forms
3. Special character
decoding of ebay order details
4. Added a new
service name "Priority Mail International Small flat rate box"
5. Fixed incorrect
shipping charge value for multiple line items orders - for Amazon
6. Added a new field
in Web Store settings screen "Order download start date" for Magento
7. Yahoo order
download to make multiple calls to yahoo to donload orders untill all orders
8. Set the Other
property with email if the option Standard customer is selected in store
preference while Posting orders to QuickBooks Enterpise
9. Set billing
address same as shipping address if billing address not available
10. Order start date
for FBA as reporting-date returned from Amazon
11. Ignore shipping
charge for FBA orders
12. Amazon -
Merchant fulfilled order download speed improved by using order start date in
call to amazon
13. Improved speed
of posting tracking to QuickBooks, increased load time of process Order screen.
14. Packing list
fixed to make order number bar code readable.

Version 10.241
- 04/21/2010
1. Custom field
mapping between QuickBooks and T-HUB
2. Packing list
summary report to display items ordered across selected orders
3. All order fields
to be available in Endicia dazzle layout design
4. Orders from eBay
to use SalesRecordNumber as Order number
5. Check box to
select orders in Process Order screen
6. Option to
customize Process orders view - list of columns to view and column widths.
7. Option to set
Promo code in Posting preferences to QuickBooks POS.
8. Amazon FBA
Integration and integration with mws.amazon.com
9. Shipping charge
set correctly for amazon orders with more than one items
10. Yahoo order
download to continue loop until all new orders are downloaded
11. Added Contents
type Merchandise to Stamps.com
12. Added
International priority small flat rate box to Endicia DAZzle
13. Option in
Endicia DAzzle to list all items in Customs form for international shipping.
14. Updated Store
Sync settings tab in Add/edit store screen to match with Automator options.
15. Inventory update
screen search to include additional search options and query QuickBooks
inventory before search.
16. Option to use
ItemName (Description1) from POS to match items between POS and website SKU.
17. When posting
orders to QuickBooks and using one standard customer, set the Transaction Other
field as the email address
18. Shipping status
update for multiple orders in a batch to eBay fixed.