If you have purchased T-Hub for 2 or more users or have purchased an additional user from the following link http://www.atandra.com/buy_thub_additional.html, You will need to make sure your computer where the T-Hub database is enabled to share the database to multiple computers on the same network/workgroup.
1. Follow the steps below to configure your computer.
On the Thub server computer you need to check the following out.
Start>All Programs> Microsoft SQL Server 2012
- Configuration Tools>SQL Server Configuration Manager.
- Click on SQL Server 2012 Services and Make sure SQL Server(ThUBDBSERVER) and
SQL Server Browser are running. (May need to right-click, go to properties and enable)
Then go to SQL Server 2012 Network Configuration
- Click on Protocols for THUBDBSERVER
- Make sure Named Pipes and TCP/IP are Enabled - Right click and enable both.
Then go back to SQL Server 2012 Services and right-click/stop the SQL Server(THUBDBSERVER)
-Right-click again and start it back up.
2. You will Then Need to follow the instructions here to configure the Windows Firewall on your computer.
3. Now you can install Thub on multiple computers. See steps here to do so.
If you have any problems with the above, please submit a support ticket at www.support.atandra.com